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Here is an old 5 to a 5 test preparation book. It is still good review because chemistry doesn’t change much. You can get the latest at Amazon here.

Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry (Oxford Quick Reference)

What is a chemistry class without ChemMatters? Because chem…matters (1983-2003).

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Math Problems?Click Here!
A great tale of chemistry by John Emsley- The 13th Element. Hardcover available here.

The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments. Nostalgia at its finest!

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]

How to Solve Word Problems in Chemistry- Ronald J. Zanni. Paperback available here.

Dictionary of Chemistry- McGraw-Hill (Paperback on Amazon here)

Ebbing/Gammon Powerpoint Slides Edition 6

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